bad hippie adventures — recycle

Hippie Shipping

Posted by Maureen Jones on

Hippie Shipping

Reducing our impact is important to us.
We do our best to be aware of our impact and recycle as much as we can. When we ship our orders we reuse as many items as we can. This is why we use minimal packaging on our products and when you order arrives it comes in an old amazon box or is stuffed with the finest Las Vegas newspaper...

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Fake Carpet + Spray Paint = Awesome!

Posted by Maureen Jones on

Fake Carpet + Spray Paint = Awesome!

Getting crafty with indoor/outdoor carpeting Many of you know we are creators and own a couple of businesses. With one we do markets and craft shows and since we are new we are always looking for ways to improve our booth and how we present ourselves to our current and potential customers. Finding ways to differentiate your self from others with similar products can always be a challenge. We know our product is the best, but how do you get people to come in and discover it for themselves. Normally I am always telling people to look up and see...

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