bad hippie adventures — soap

Hippie Shipping

Posted by Maureen Jones on

Hippie Shipping

Reducing our impact is important to us.
We do our best to be aware of our impact and recycle as much as we can. When we ship our orders we reuse as many items as we can. This is why we use minimal packaging on our products and when you order arrives it comes in an old amazon box or is stuffed with the finest Las Vegas newspaper...

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Soap's a thing. How to keep your handmade soap happy!

Posted by Maureen Jones on

Soap's a thing. How to keep your handmade soap happy!

Be kind to your soap. These are words I had never really considered before starting the bad hippies, but these are important words to consider if you use handmade soap.Whether if you use ours (of course you should use ours) or another soapers you should always use a well draining soap dish.   Why? Handmade soap is oil based and doesn't contain all the other crap that commercial soap does to keep it hard and together (OH and you don't need all of this crap on your skin and son't need to send it down the drain)! Just for fun...

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In with the new!

Posted by Maureen Jones on

In with the new!

In with the new! New year, new post. New focus, new all sorts of stuff! I realize that it has been a new year for a while now, but I have been slow. Which shouldn't be surprising to a single person that knows me. The hippies had a great year last year. Thank you to all of the people that have supported us in this new adventure. Wow. It has been amazing. Now we are looking to how to make 2018 even more groovy. We have been adding some new products and right now are testing spring and summer scents,...

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