bad hippie adventures — Plant based

Garlic Scape Hummus

Posted by Maureen Jones on

Garlic Scape Hummus

It is scape season! Making garlic scape hummus Since we moved to Chicago we have chosen to live in a rental property. There are several reasons for this, but one thing it limits us to is planting a garden. With the four billion other things that demand your time it isn't really a priority right now. With all of the being said, we still planted garlic. Lots of garlic. We were given several bulbs a few years back and have been cultivating and sharing this heirloom hardneck garlic with friends because two people have a hard time using a full 40+ bulbs...

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plain plant stand to a market booth accessory...

Posted by Maureen Jones on

plain plant stand to a market booth accessory...

We all have that piece of furniture that we have no idea where it came from, but it serves a purpose. This is that piece of furniture for me.No clue where it came from, but I do have quite a few plants and when they come in for the winter they have to go somewhere...This piece is all function and is well not very visually appealing. As some of you may know we operate a small LLC out of our house and sell at local craft/farmer's/flea markets around the Chicago area as well as an online website and all the...

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Here we go...Bad Hippies launch all natural product line.

Posted by Maureen Jones on

Here we go...Bad Hippies launch all natural product line.

This website and our products have been something we have been slowly working on for years. NOW IS THE TIME!  Our products will evolve with time and you may see items come and go, but if you want something and we can make it happen we will.The CORE products we offer will be:Castile Soaps - Vegan, Plant oil based soapsLotion Bars - Vegan, Plant oil based solid lotion barsDeodorant - Vegan, No heavy metalsLaundry Soap - Vegan, nothing added that doesn't need to be there OUR PROMISE...All products are cruelty free and never tested on animals (other than us), handmade, and all...

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