20ish things you may not know about the bad hippies...

Posted by Maureen Jones on

It has been far too long since I have posted and even in the midst of the chaos that is moving two households more than halfway across the country I promise to try and do better...WAY BETTER!

Here are 20ish facts you may not know about the hippies - whether or not you wanted to know :) 

  1. This whole adventure started because we wanted to make our own laundry detergent.
  2. We started making our own soap because the store bought soap had tallow in it and we wanted to make our with no animal by proucts.
  3. Our soap (and many of our products is vegan or we can make it vegan by request).
  4. Many of our soaps can be used as solid shampoo.
  5. Several of our soaps can be used to wash dogs & even horses or other livestock.
  6. Plain jane can be used to wash your cat.
  7. Care should be used with cats and essential oils.
  8. Both our birthdays are in January.
  9. We are moving to Las Vegas June 2018.
  10. Moving is a pain in the ass.
  11. One hippie is an omnivore one a vegetarian (vegan wanna-be).
  12. One hippie works a traditional outside the house job.
  13. The other hippie owns two (2) small businesses and also does contract work.
  14. Neither hippie is a gambler even though we are moving to Las Vegas.
  15. The bad hippie concept was born in Syracuse, NY.
  16. The bad hippies became a real thing in Rolling Meadows, IL.
  17. We take requests for products and if possible will create a product for you!
  18. We teach soap making classes in the community.
  19. I am an Aquarius. The bad hippie is a Capricorn.
  20. We have one cat named BooBoo.
  21. We love what we do...
  22. One hippie is a marathoner and a triathlete (short ones, not the crazy big ones, yet).
  23. If we never have to shovel snow again....we are totally cook with that.
  24. We love to travel both domestically and internationally.
  25. We have both been to 27 countries - so far.
  26. One hippie has been to (we think) about 45 states.
  27. One is a total bird nerd.
Are you surprised by any of these?
What are some of your fun facts????

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